News and insights
Staff from the Victorian Ombudsman and the Young Workers centre spent an afternoon discussing local legal needs at our recent Community Law Talks.
As we celebrate the release of the third volume of the Public Understanding of Law Survey (PULS), we reflect on the journey and the exciting opportunities for legal research ahead.
We are delighted to announce Dr McDonald will lead our research team and guide the next phase of research at VLF.
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Recent research publications
The third volume reports on the links between legal need and legal capability. It investigates the impact and implications of legal capability on legal problem experience and resolution.
Targeted and tailored engagement is necessary to increase awareness of young people's everyday justiciable problems and available legal help.
Featured research project
The PULS is a Victoria-wide survey to understand how people see, understand and engage with the law.
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Join us for an eye-opening exploration as we go on the record with the Victorian Information Commissioner Sean Morrison.
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Our grants
Support for projects that help legal organisations better understand and support the legal needs and capabilities of Victorians.
Support for projects that deliver civil legal information and education.
Featured grant funded projects
This project will help migrant women experiencing family violence to stay in Australia. Peninsula Community Legal Centre will create an online tool to guide support workers through the complex application process for women whose visa status is dependent on their partner to remain in Australia and leave the abusive relationship.
Following the shift to routine digital engagement when applying to the court for family violence intervention orders, this partnership project between Northern Community Legal Centre and the Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights will unpack the range of process issues and barriers to participation faced by culturally and linguistically diverse women within Melbourne’s North-West.
A New Perspective on Legal Need and Legal Capability is now available
The third report from the Public Understanding of Law Survey explores how attitudes, skills and confidence matter in satisfactorily resolving justiciable issues.