
Manage your grant

We offer support to deliver great projects and have a few simple requirements for of grant recipients.

June 18, 2024



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Congratulations on your successful grant. We look forward to working with you to improve services and programs that better meet the legal needs and capabilities of Victorians’, increasing access to justice.

We have a few simple requirements for the organisations that we fund.

Grant offer

You will receive a draft Funding Agreement as part of the letter of offer. We ask you to read the conditions and complete the reporting and payment schedule. The Grants Manager will assist you through this process. We will make the first payment when we receive the signed Funding Agreement.

We ask that you please do not share funding details outside your organisation until VLF have publicly announced the recipients of the grant round.

Grant payments

Please submit invoices for grant payments according to the payment schedule in your Funding Agreement.

Invoices can be emailed to or uploaded in SmartyGrants when you submit your reporting.

Everyday Legal Grant payments are made upfront. Major Grants are paid in instalments at the beginning, middle and end of the project.

Grants exclude GST. If you are registered for GST, please make sure you add GST to the grant amount on your invoice.


You will be requested to complete an acquittal report at the end of the project.

If you have a Major Grant, you will also be asked to complete a progress report halfway through the project. A reminder and link to the report template will be sent to you by email before the due date.

We're interested in the progress and outcome of your project. We ask for reports so we can learn and share insights and challenges about legal research and legal initiatives we have funded. We will also ask you about how the project has contributed to expected grant outcomes.

Remember to contact the Grants Manager to update contact details of the key project worker if there are staff changes during the project delivery period.

Changes to projects

We know that sometimes things don’t go as planned and changes in your organisation can also mean that projects take longer to complete than expected. We are happy to discuss changes to your project or extend timelines. Please get in contact with the Grants Manager as soon as possible.

Logos, promotion and dissemination

Your project and grant details will be made publicly available on our website, through our email and social media networks and included in our annual report. We may also share project outcomes and insights through our communication channels.

We appreciate your acknowledgement of Victoria Law Foundation as a supporter of the funded project.

Please download our logo and guidelines.

If you require any logo file formats that haven’t been supplied or have any difficulty with the file types outlined in the guide, please contact the Grants Manager.

The placement of the grant logo on all grant products must be approved by VLF before final production. Please provide a link or a screenshot to the Grants Manager for final approval.

When you have completed your project, get in contact to discuss how we can help you share resources, findings, reports or launch details through our communication channels.


We are here to support you to deliver a successful project.

Our team is available to help - we have specialists in research, communications, education and events who might be able to assist you to develop research methodology, review forms and templates or dissemination resources, reports or findings.

Our Communications team can help disseminate resources or share launch information with our audiences. We might write a case study to share lessons or insights or we might ask you to be involved in our Research Network or Enhancing Engagement sessions to share project outcomes with the sector.

Victoria Legal Aid also provide support to disseminate community legal resources. Read the guidelines.

We might be able to put you in contact with other organisations to extend the reach of your project.

Please contact the Grants Manager to discuss ways we can support your project.

Better understand and respond to legal need

Funding and support for new community legal initiatives to support better justice.