Law reform

Before old laws are amended or new laws are made, a number of organisations and bodies undertake considerable consultation, research and planning.

Group of lawmakers in parliamentary session.

Victorian Law Reform Commission

The Victorian Law Reform Commission is an independent, government-funded organisation that develops, monitors and coordinates law reform in Victoria.

The commission has a charter to consult the community and advise the Attorney-General on ways to improve and update Victorian laws. The commission’s major responsibility is to research issues referred to it by

the Attorney-General (these are called references), but it also has the power to recommend minor changes to the law, without a reference, through its community law reform program.

The Victorian Law Reform Commission was established in 2001.

Sentencing Advisory Council

The Sentencing Advisory Council was set up to bridge the gaps between the community, the courts and government by informing, educating and advising on sentencing issues.

The council’s functions include the provision of statistical information on sentencing, including information on current sentencing practices; conducting research and disseminating information on sentencing matters; gauging public opinion on sentencing; consulting on sentencing matters; and advising the Attorney-General on sentencing issues.

Australian Law Reform Commission

The Australian Law Reform Commission is an independent federal agency that reviews Australia’s laws to ensure they provide improved access to justice for all Australians by making laws and related processes more equitable, modern, fair and efficient.

The commission cannot change the law, but rather makes recommendations to the government on how the law can be improved.

The Australian Law Reform Commission was established in 1975.

Better understand and respond to legal need

Funding and support for new community legal initiatives to support better justice.


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Related topics

Victoria is home to many statutory and independent bodies that offer free or low-cost legal services.

Victoria's laws come from several different sources — the Australian Constitution, Victorian and federal legislation, and common law.

In Victoria, legal professionals work across many organisations and bodies, as well as providing advice and appearing in court.

Learn about the law

Events, information and resources to understand Victoria's legal system and where the law can help.