2016 Law Oration: Of Mozart, modern drafting and the criminal lawyers' lament

Supreme Court of Victoria Court of Appeal judge, the Honourable Justice Mark Weinberg, presents at Victoria Law Foundation Law Oration

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Supreme Court of Victoria Court of Appeal judge, the Honourable Justice Mark Weinberg, will offer invaluable insights into criminal law when he presents the 2016 Victoria Law Foundation Law Oration on Thursday 21 July.

Justice Weinberg will speak on the topic of ‘Of Mozart, modern drafting and the criminal lawyers' lament’ at this year’s Law Oration. The Law Oration is an annual event presented by distinguished public figures that provides an opportunity for members of the public and the legal sector to gain insights into interesting and important legal issues.

The Victoria Law Foundation Executive Director, Joh Kirby, said Justice Weinberg’s topic would be of great interest to the broader community as well as the legal sector.

‘The criminal law plays an important role in the everyday life of our community, and to have such an eminent jurist as Justice Weinberg provide unique insights into the practice of criminal law will be incredibly compelling,’ Ms Kirby said.

The oration will be followed by a short question and answer session to be facilitated by Victoria Law Foundation Chair, the Honourable Hartley Hansen QC.

About Justice Weinberg

The Honourable Justice Mark Weinberg was admitted to practice in New South Wales in 1974, and in Victoria in 1975, and his name was entered on the roll of barristers and solicitors of the High Court in 1979.

In 1975 he joined the academic staff of the University of Melbourne, where he held various positions in the Faculty of Law, culminating in Dean of the Faculty from 1984 to 1985. He was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1986 and was Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions from 1988 to 1991.

Justice Weinberg was appointed to the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of Victoria, in July 2008. His Honour was a judge of the Federal Court of Australia from 1998 to 2008 and previously held the following appointments: Deputy President, Federal Police Disciplinary Tribunal; Non-resident Judge, Supreme Court of Fiji; Judge, Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory; and Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Norfolk Island.

Media are invited to attend.

Event details

When: Thursday 21 July 2016, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.

Doors open 5:30 pm. Please allow time to pass through security.

Where: Banco Court, Supreme Court of Victoria, 210 William Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

Cost: Free, but bookings are essential.

Please direct media enquiries to the publicist, Mick Paskos:

T: 0412 201 044

E: mpaskos@onmessage.com.au

Twitter: https://twitter.com/VicLawFoundn

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