Changes at the Foundation

Recent changes in legislation and function mean some important change at the Victoria Law Foundation

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Recent changes in legislation and function mean some important change at the Victoria Law Foundation including -

  • establishment of a research function to build the evidence base around access to justice in Victoria, particularly in civil law
  • and transfer of our community legal information resources to Victoria Legal Aid. This covers our publications and much of the content from our Every-day Law website.

Our publications are now available for order or download through Victoria Legal Aid’s website, and can be found here. This includes:

  • Your Will
  • Bike Law
  • Parking, the law and you
  • Law help guide 2018
  • Neighbours, the law and you
  • Dogs, cats, neighbours and you.

We will continue to publish and distribute Victoria’s legal system.

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Better justice through research, education and grants

We are committed to raising awareness of our law, and to provide evidence and insight to improve justice for all Victorians.