The VLF Board expands

Victoria Law Foundation is pleased to announce the appointment of two new members to the board.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Victoria Law Foundation is pleased to announce the appointment of two new members to the board. We welcome His Honour Magistrate Brian Wright and Peter Noble for three-year terms, expanding the board from six to eight. The new members add valuable breadth of legal knowledge and experience to the board.

Mr Noble is the Executive Director of Services and Innovation at Victoria Legal Aid, and a leader in the community legal sector.

Mr Wright is a magistrate specialising in Workcover. He is also a Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal member, and a long-standing Fitzroy Legal Service volunteer.

Attorney General Martin Pakula MP made the board appointments on October 15, 2018 under section 7(1)(b) of the Victoria Law Foundation Act 2009, which was recently amended to increase board membership.

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