The Power of Performance: Community Legal Education Through Theatre

Learn how to determine if an identified cohort may benefit from storytelling through theatre, how to best approach it, and the benefits and challenges involved.

Dec 13, 2023
Dec 13, 2023
10:00 am
10:30 am

Theatre performance can be a highly effective way to deliver legal information to young people from culturally and racially marginalised communities.

In this webinar, Kirsten Young and Engy Abdelsalam from Peninsula Community Legal Centre share their insights from developing and presenting ‘This is not who I want to be’ – a show covering family violence issues which particularly affect young people in their area.

The project involved 14 theatre performances in 4 schools, reaching over 335 students throughout 2022.

It was funded by a Victoria Law Foundation Community Legal Grant.

Event information


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Engy Abdelsalam
Peninsula Community Legal Centre
Peninsula Community Legal Centre
Kirsten Young
Community Engagement, Education and Legal Policy Officer
Peninsula Community Legal Centre
Peninsula Community Legal Centre

Better justice through research, education and grants

We are committed to raising awareness of our law, and to provide evidence and insight to improve justice for all Victorians.